The Wheel of Time Ambience | Winespring Inn | 1 Hour Tavern with fireplace, cooking, thunderstorms

#sponsored “You don’t listen to the wind, Egwene. It’s the wind that listens to you.” — Moiraine Damodred. I’m obsessed with
The Wheel of Time—The vast and gorgeous landscape, fantastical creatures and amazing & diverse characters made me
immediately fall in love with this epic show. It’s been a long time since I am so excited about a fantasy novel-series adaptation and I think you’ll like it too! I am beyond excited to partner with @amazonprimevideo and @amazonfresh to bring this Ambient video to life, featuring the warm and welcoming Winespring Inn!

The Winespring Inn is an inn in Two Rivers, run by the al’Vere family. It stands on the east end of the Green beside the Wagon Bridge and adjacent to the Winespring Water. The floor of the inn is constructed of river rock, though built upon a foundation of much older stone quarried from the Mountains of Mist. The Winespring Inn is the eye of the storm—it is here where the four young people—Rand al’Thor, Egwene al’Vere, Perrin Aybara and Mat Cauthon start their journey, carrying the fate of the world. Everything changed when the powerful Aes Sedai Moriaine came to the Inn, and lead them on a hard journey that will test their strength and friendship to the core.

Enjoy this brief and peaceful time and get warm by the fire, brave and weary traveler. Dinner is served and drinks are poured. Enjoy this delicious hot meal made with love by Mrs. al’Vere, wife of owner of the Winespring Inn. Zemai, is a corn-like yellow vegetable that grows wild in the Aiel Waste, is the main dish served tonight. Recreate this fantastical and fun Southwestern Sauteed Zemai recipe through ingredients from Amazon Fresh, and get immersed in the world of The Wheel of Time!

The wheel keeps turning, always, but the memories remain.

Watch The Wheel of Time now, exclusively on Amazon Prime

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