Signing The Alien Contract REIKI inaudible Binaural ASMR

Join Doctor Andrew Michaels for a very strange and unique inaudible whispering Reiki handmovement asmr. We will try to communicate with an alien race, through our third eye, and then sign a contract with them to bring peace between our two races.

Don’t forget to Subscribe, Share, Comment, and favorite to help this video get noticed. it really helps the channel grow when you do your part, and it’s all free to help, LOL.

Intro music, « Azimuth » by Jason Shaw of free to use.

Keep the suggestions and ideas coming for series #2 of the You are [insert herHFY9tQe] series. I’d like to do some cool videos and all of them will be based off of your comments. Check out the playlist of our previous 20+ videos here at:…

Thank you and don’t forget to share to get the « You are series » going again. All suggestions and requests welcomed.

A meme is a virally-transmitted photograph that is embellished with text that pokes fun at a cultural symbol or social idea.

The majority of modern memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, often as a way to publicly ridicule human behavior. Other memes can be videos and verbal expressions. Some memes have heavier and more philosophical content.

The world of memes (which rhymes with ‘teams’) is noteworthy for two reasons: it is a worldwide social phenomenon, and memes behave like a mass of infectious flu and cold viruses, traveling from person to person quickly through social media.