SCANNERS ASMR | Mind Scan and Memory Purge

Scanners is a 1981 Canadian science-fiction horror film written and directed by David Cronenberg and starring Stephen Lack, Jennifer O’Neill, Michael Ironside, and Patrick McGoohan. In the film, « scanners » are people with unusual telepathic and telekinetic powers. ConSec, a purveyor of weaponry and security systems, searches out scanners to use them for its own purposes. The film’s plot concerns the attempt by Darryl Revok (Ironside), a renegade scanner, to wage a war against ConSec. Another scanner, Cameron Vale (Lack), is dispatched by ConSec to stop Revok.

Scanners premiered in January 1981 to lukewarm reviews from critics, but became one of the first films produced in Canada to successfully compete with American films at the international box office. It brought Cronenberg and his controversial style of body horror attention from mainstream film audiences for the first time, and has since been reevaluated as a cult classic. It is particularly well known for a scene of Revok telepathically causing a rival scanner’s head to explode. I added the « Labels Out » shirt, and several other new items to my Tee Spring Store, so check that out if you’re interested.

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Filmed on my Sony a5100 camera with a 35mm prime lens at 60fps.
The introduction animation was by :
Open Animation by Sam Mercer
Sam has also started his own Youtube channel to promote his work at:​…
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The intro music was by Jason Shaw of
Used with full permission. « Having a Drink with Dr. Andrew Michaels » Podcast. Intimate and personal Audio free too download.