ASMR Psychic Powers | Spoon Bending | Psychokinesis Telekinesis

Telekinesis or Psychokinesis – The ability to influence a physical system without physical interaction, typically manifesting as being able to exert force, control objects and move matter with one’s mind.
My Original video on Spoon Bending here at:
This power of ESP supernatural ability will be demonstrated by Dr. Andrew Michaels and then he will ask you, the viewer, in the audience, to bend metal with your mind as well. The results will astound you beyond belief! Be prepared to see metal and spoon bending like you have never seen before in the history of Youtube and beyond!

Spoon bending is the deformation of objects, especially metal cutlery, purportedly by paranormal means. It is a common theme for magic tricks, which use a variety of methods to produce the effect. Performers commonly use misdirection to draw their audience’s attention away while the spoon is manually bent. Another method uses a metal spoon that has been prepared by repeatedly bending the spoon back and forth, weakening the material. Applying light pressure will then cause it to bend or break.

Spoon bending attracted considerable media attention in the 1970s when a number of individuals claimed to have the ability to cause such effects by psychic means. The most famous was Uri Geller, who performed on television bending metal spoons, keys, and other objects. Geller’s performances were revealed to be tricks due to the work of magician and investigator James Randi and others.

Despite hundreds of experiments by parapsychologists to determine whether spoon bending is a genuine psychic phenomenon, spoon bending by psychic powers has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the scientific community.

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The introduction animation was by :
Open Animation by Sam Mercer
Sam has also started his own Youtube channel to promote his work at:…
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The intro music was by Jason Shaw of at:…
Used with full permission.